How to Track CPU Temp RHEL App?

If you’re wondering how to track CPU temp RHEL app, you’re in the right place.

When you have too many high-performance functions running, your CPU tends to get overworked and, therefore, overheated. If there’s too much heat for a longer period of time without a way to ventilate, it might start damaging the ICs and driver chips. So, monitoring CPU temperature is essential for keeping your system stable and preventing overheating issues.

Today we will talk about thisin detail. This guide will show you simple methods to check CPU temperature in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

Why Monitor CPU Temperature?

Keeping an eye on CPU temperature helps to do the following things –

  • Prevent Overheating: High temperatures can slow down your system and cause damage.
  • Improve Performance: A cooler CPU runs more efficiently.
  • Extend Hardware Life: Keeping temperatures low helps your hardware last longer.

How to Track CPU Temp RHEL App

There are several ways to track CPU temperature in RHEL. Below are the most effective methods.

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1. Using the lm_sensors Package

The lm_sensors package is one of the easiest tools for checking CPU temperature in RHEL. Here’s how to install and use it:

Step 1: Install lm_sensors

Open your terminal and run the following command:

bashCopyEditsudo yum install lm_sensors -y

This installs the package needed to monitor hardware sensors.

Step 2: Detect Sensors

Run this command to scan for available sensors:

bashCopyEditsudo sensors-detect

Follow the on-screen instructions and type “YES” when prompted.

Step 3: Check CPU Temperature

After the setup, you can check your CPU temperature anytime with:


This will display the temperature readings from your CPU and other hardware components.

2. Using the i7z Tool (For Intel CPUs)

If your system runs on an Intel processor, i7z is a great tool to track CPU temperature.

Step 1: Install i7z

Use the following command:

bashCopyEditsudo yum install i7z -y
Step 2: Run i7z

Launch the tool with:

bashCopyEditsudo i7z

This provides real-time CPU temperature monitoring with additional details like frequency and C-state usage.

3. Using Psensor for a GUI-Based Solution

If you prefer a graphical interface, Psensor is a great choice. It provides real-time monitoring with easy-to-read visuals.

Step 1: Install Psensor

First, install the necessary dependencies:

bashCopyEditsudo yum install lm_sensors hddtemp -y

Now, install Psensor:

bashCopyEditsudo yum install psensor -y
Step 2: Run Psensor

Start the application by typing:


Psensor will display temperature readings in a user-friendly graph format.

Setting Up Automatic CPU Temp Monitoring

For continuous monitoring, you can set up a background process that logs CPU temperature.

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Step 1: Create a Script

Open a new script file:


Add the following lines:

while true; do
sensors | grep 'Core' >> cpu_temp_log.txt
sleep 10

Save and exit the file.

Step 2: Make the Script Executable
bashCopyEditchmod +x
Step 3: Run the Script
bashCopyEdit./ &

This logs CPU temperature readings every 10 seconds into a file.

Best Practices for Managing CPU Temperature

  • Keep Your System Clean: Dust buildup can block airflow and increase heat.
  • Check Cooling Fans: Ensure all fans are running properly.
  • Use a Cooling Pad: If using a laptop, a cooling pad helps lower temperature.
  • Close Unnecessary Applications: Running too many apps can stress the CPU.


Now you know how to track CPU temp RHEL app using different methods. Whether you prefer command-line tools like lm_sensors, i7z, or a graphical solution like Psensor, monitoring your CPU temperature is easy.

Keeping track of CPU temperature helps prevent overheating, ensures better performance, and extends hardware life. Try these methods today and keep your system running smoothly!

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